
  • A field in Maine with neatly harvested rows

    Terminating Cover Crops with a Roller Crimper

    Developed by Penn State, this factsheet discusses how to optimize timing of hairy vetch and cereal rye cover crop termination…

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  • A hand holding a loose soil sample

    The Science of Soil Health – Compaction

    The video discusses how to spot signs of compaction; how cover crops and subsoilers compare as compaction relievers; and how heavy tillage can increase your compaction risk.

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  • Healthy green crop

    When and how to kill cover crops

    Featuring a discussion of different springtime cover crop termination strategies, including winterkill, tillage, tarping, roller-crimping, and mowing.

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  • A medoa growers field expands to the horizon

    Understanding Strip tillage

    Strip tillage is a method of reduced tillage that reduces soil disturbance, increases soil coverage, and maintains living roots in…

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  • A healthy cover crop of clover

    Manage Weeds on Your Farm

    This guide provides a comprehensive overview of ecological weed management options for both organic and conventional producers. The focus of…

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  • Cows investigating the camera at sunset

    Web Soil Survey

    The Web Soil Survey is a tool maintained by the USDA-NRCS that allows you to view the soil series on…

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  • Cover Crop Species Selector

    Use this Cover Crop Species Selector tool to browse cover crop options specific to your goals, location, and crop sequences….

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  • Crop Rotation on Organic Farms

    This planning manual provides a comprehensive overview of crop rotation planning. It focuses on how to plan your crop rotations…

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  • Flattened crop in rows

    Managing Cover Crops Profitably – 3rd Edition

    This guide offers a comprehensive overview of individual cover crops, their benefits, how to set cover cropping goals, and how…

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  • African woman's hands holding a vibrant bunch of tomatoes

    New England Vegetable Guide

    The New England Vegetable Management Guide is an excellent source for vegetable crop management. The ‘Cultural Practices’ section provides information…

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