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Serving Farmers Across Maine

  • Schedule a field visit
  • Discuss soil health practices that may work for your farm
  • Discuss the results of your soil health test
  • Learn about grant and funding opportunities
  • Browse our resources
  • Organize a soil health field day
A worker hoeing a field on a MEDOA liberation farm

Frequently Asked Questions

See below for answers to some frequently asked questions about program opportunities and logistics.

The Maine Healthy Soils Program offers technical and financial assistance to farmers and agricultural service providers. We offer field visits, virtual consultations, soil health field days, general education/outreach, grant opportunities, and financial incentives. If there are additional services you are hopeful the program can offer, please contact us or schedule an appointment!

Farm visits can be scheduled using the appointment scheduler. If there are no available appointments, schedule a virtual consultation and we can discuss additional options.

No. There are no fees for consultations, field visits, or other current services provided by the Maine Healthy Soils Program.

Currently, all appointments are scheduled with Matt Boucher, the State Soil Scientist.

The Maine Healthy Soils Program was appropriated $2 million by the Maine State Legislature. These funds will be made available to farmers and agricultural service providers through various grant and incentive programs over the next year.

This program was created by the Maine State Legislature in 2021, and technical service has been available to farmers and agricultural service providers since May 2023. We anticipate grant and incentive opportunities being available in mid- to late-summer 2024.

have a Question?

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